How to add pupils to a class

Published Mar 27, 2020 by SiteAdminDave for Calibrae

With virtual classrooms created, and with teachers having added learning activities to their classrooms, we are ready to add pupils to the classes.


To add pupils, first select the class group to which the pupils will be added.



The class group will be displayed.

  • From the group page, click Import Users.
  • Download the import CSV file template.
  • Populate the CSV file with pupil data.
    • Use a unique email address for each pupil
    • If no username is set for a pupil, one will be auto-generated.
    • Do not assign roles to pupils.
  • Pupils may also be organised in other groups by adding a group name in the group_name column. Eg Year 7
  • Save the file as a .CSV file.
  • Click Choose CSV file and use your computer's file explorer to find and select the CSV file.



  • Click Import to import the teachers into the Teaching Staff group.
  • The system checks the content of the file, and if all is in order, imports the users as teachers.



  • Repeat the process to add pupils to other classes


Pupil notifications

Once assigned to a virtual classroom, pupils will receive a welcome email with access details.

To verify sent emails...

  • Click the username to view the pupil's profile page.
  • Scroll down and View email.

All emails sent by the system to the user will be displayed.
